
Health & Safety

I only recommend products that I genuinely love and would recommend to a friend, but I can’t guarantee that everything will work on all skin types. Nothing on this site shall be construed as providing dermatological, medical or other such advice and you are always advised to seek the advice of a doctor, dermatologist or suitable professional should you have any such concerns.


Some links on WaxyBeauty.com may contain affiliate links. This means that if you click on an affiliate link, go through to the retailer I may get paid commission should you purchase products through my link. This does not cost you any extra. Adding affiliate links into a post is always the last step I do after the review has been written and my opinion on the product already formed. Thanks in advance for supporting my blog should you decide to purchase through my links. All affiliate links will be followed by a ‘*’ after the link.


These have not happened yet! But when they do, any feature that Waxy Beauty has been remunerated for will feature ‘AD’ in the title and will be clearly marked ‘This is a Paid for Advertisement by X’ as the first line of the post. I only ever work with brands that I love on campaigns and features that I feel are relevant for Waxy Beauty.


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All photos or content have been created by me unless otherwise stated, please do not use anything without my permission. You can contact me via patsy@waxybeauty.com.